My limrick poem

Kia ora,

Today I have been writing a limerick.

A limerick poem is a short poem which is often funny.To write a limerick poem there are five lines, the first, second and fifth lines should rhyme and the second and third should rhyme.

I enjoyed reading some limerick poems because I found them fun to read. I found It challenging to rhyme something with the pen because I found it hard to find the written word. 

Ma te wa Irelyn

One thought on “My limrick poem

  1. Hi Irelyn,

    It’s Emma here again from the Summer Learning Journey.
    I think limerick poems are my favourite, they always make me laugh!

    Your poem definitely made me chuckle! You have been very imaginative and clever with your choice of rhyming words. Have you heard of a poet called Spike Milligan, he is well known for his funny and creative limericks. I think you would enjoy his poetry.

    What is your favourite type of poetry? You seem to really enjoying writing poems yourself.

    Thanks for sharing Irelyn,

    Emma – SLJ

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